November 3-4, 2016
Joyce Focht Instructional Support Center
412 S. Main, Wichita, KS 67202
KASBO Room Block at Fairfield Inn and Suites for $99.00 plus tax:
Click here Book your group rate for Kansas Association of School Business Officials
John Hutchison, President and Convention Committee Chair
Dan Brungardt, President-Elect and Professional Development Chair
Thursday 2:00 pm -5:00 pm
KASBO Pre-Conference Workshop:
“OMG, I Forgot to do What?”
Review a 12 month fiscal year calendar of SBO tasks with a panel of experienced leaders. (Additional fee applies)
Friday 8:00 am
8:30 am
Welcome and Introductions – John Hutchison, President Room: 200 South
8:45 am
Kansas Dept. of Education: Dale Dennis, Deputy Commissioner and Craig Neuenswander
Room: 200 South
9:45 am
10:00 am
Budget Coding
Craig Neuenswander, KSDE
KSDE Audit Protocols
Kevin Mercer, KSDE
Room: 200 North
Alan Conroy, KPERS Executive Director Room: 230
10:45 am
11:00 am
Wage & Hour
Susan Lang, Dept of Labor Room: 200 South
Alan Conroy, KPERS Executive Director Room: 200 North
11:45 am
Lunch Buffet
1:00 pm
Family Medical Leave Act FMLA
Susan Lang, Dept of Labor
Google Apps
USD 204 Room: 200 North
How to Avoid Workers Comp Injuries
Alan Keeler KASB Room: 230
1:45 pm
2:00 pm
KASB Legislative Update
Mark Tallman, Associate Executive Director for Advocacy, KASB Room: 200 South
2:50 pm
Wrap Up
3:00 pm